AudioVisual Recognition
(Server Based)
(Combination of Speaker, Speech, Face Recognition, and Object Detection and Recognition with a single interface)
Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition
(Server Based)
Initially available for English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, and German, is now available for 100+ languages
Also includes multilinguagl support and code-switching
(Customizable domain full transcription ~ 300,000+ word vocabulary)
Speaker Recognition
(Server Based)
(Language- and Text-Independent, aka: Speaker Biometrics, Voice Biometrics, or SIV)
Recipient: Frost & Sullivan Award 2011
Face Recognition
(Server Based)
(Face detection and recognition)
The Face Detection and Recognition system provides
server-based face detection, face identification, and
facial verification on a server, providing a Webservice
interface. It also provides face recognition on Android devices, as
well as command-line access. Our C++ API allows the integration of
your applications with our face recognition engine, adding face
detection, ID, and verification to your applications through a very
simple process.
Object Recognition
(Server Based)
(Object detection and recognition)