Homayoon Beigi earned his BS, MS, and PhD from Columbia University in
1984, 1985 and 1990 respectively. For over two decades, he has been
involved in research and development in Biometrics, Pattern
Recognition and Internet-Commerce. He has developed the award-winning
RecoMadeEasy® Speaker Recognition and the multiple-award winning,
CommerceMadeEasy® software. He has been an Adjunct Professor since
1995, teaching "Fundamentals of Speech Recogniton", "Mathematics of
Machine Learning and Signal Recognition", "Fundamentals of Speaker
Recognition", "Applied Signal Recognition," "Speech and Handwriting
Recognition," and "Digital Control Systems" at the CS, ME, and EE
departments of Columbia University. He was a Research Staff Member at
the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center from 1991 to 2001, working on
Speaker Recognition, ASR, LM, Search, Handwriting Recognition,
Control, and NN Learning. He developed the SAFE Audio ANSI standard
and was an active liaison in the US delegation of the
ISO/SC37-JTC1-WG3 and the VoiceXML Forum on Speaker Biometrics. His
other research includes Structural Health Prognosis with the Civil
Engineering department of Columbia University, Image Compression,
Kinematics, Financial Optimization, and Zero-Gravity Fluid Dynamics.
He is the author of the first textbook on Speaker Recognition,
entitled, "Fundamentals of Speaker Recognition", a recipient of two
IEEE best paper awards and ten issued patents. He is an Associate
Editor of the AutoSoft Journal, the Editor of the BISC Handwriting
Recognition Chapter, a Senior Member of the IEEE, an Advisory Board
Committee member of the IEEE Spectrum, and a reviewer for many
journals and conferences including the Pattern Recognition Journal,
the IEEE PAMI, the IEEE Trans. on NN, the IET Signal Processing
Journal, the International Journal of Control, the AIAA Journal,
ICASSP, and Interspeech.
Pargol J. Saatchi earned her Bachelors of Science in Environmental
Science and Master of Science in Operations Research from Columbia
University in 1993 and 1996, respectively. Upon graduation, in 1996,
she established Internet Server Connections, Inc. in which she worked
on first generation customized hosting and collocation, plus Web
Portal design and customization. She collaborated with Dr. Homayoon
Beigi on the design and implementation of the award-winning
CommerceMadeEasy® software. In 2003, she joined Recognition Technologies, Inc.
as the Vice President, in charge of marketing and user interface strategies.
She hase contributed to the creation of another award-winning suite of
products, the RecoMadeEasy® Speaker Recognition and the handling of
other modalilities including Face Recognition and Speech Recognition. She has
also contributed to the language proficiency rating products of Recognition
Technologies, Inc. From 1994 to 1996, she worked as a research assistant
at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, helping the
design and development of an Earthquake Simulation Software fir the department
of Seismology. He thesis at the Environmental Science department of Columbia
University was the recipient of the Best Thesis Award.